Purwoceng plants had been known long ago. Pimpinellae puruatjanae radix or better known as Purwoceng plants are actually a kind of herbal plant that grows in the mountains Just like on the Dieng Plateau, Central Java. This plant is known for its properties as a tonic powerful special man. So do not be surprised if the plant Purwoceng be one raw material supplement products Jamu Purwoceng Xtra.
Purwoceng Xtra is a herbal supplement for men adult packed in capsules. Herbal supplements are produced by PT. Cap Jago industry which is the largest herbal company in Indonesia which has stood since 1918. Xtra Purwoceng itself has properties that are very vital in addressing issues such as adult male premature ejaculation, erection problems, sluggish and mempu improve fertilias (fertility) men.
In addition, Purwoceng Xtra is also very safe to be consumed by the men at all ages for all the raw materials of manufacture using native herbs such as plants Purwoceng, ginger, cat's whiskers, Eurycomae longifoliae radix (root peg earth), Sagittatum Epimedium (Epimedium) and also turmeric.
In contrast to the strong medicine men, Purwoceng Xtra does not contain harmful chemicals such as tadalafit, sildenafil, vardenafil,, artificial hormones and other chemicals. To consume, you are advised to take one capsule one hour before activity Purwoceng. Although it is quite safe, but the herbal medicinal product is not recommended for people with heart, blood pressure disorders or consumed with drugs / other supplements.
Purwoceng clinically tested to increase testosterone
Leaves and stems purwoceng proven to increase testosterone levels as well as libido. Hundreds ago our ancestors used it as an aphrodisiac and restore energy after a day of work.
That's what pushed dr. Taufiq R Nasihun Sp And, a doctor in Semarang, Central Java, to prove it. The specialist andrology was tested in a preclinical purwoceng with services sprangue Dawley rats. wildlife rodents were grouped into 6 groups of 10 rats.
They are male rats, the middle of puberty, and adult-aged 90 days. "At that testosterone is high-high," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, University Islam Sultan Agung Semarang.
Group to-1 till the 6th consecutive given 2 ml of distilled water solution, 25 mg purwoceng, purwoceng 50 mg, 25 mg of peg earth, earth peg 50 mg and 25 mg purwoceng and pegs of the earth. Eurycoma longifolia earth peg is also a power as an aphrodisiac sexual stimulant . Taufiq give drink it every day for a week orally
High testosterone
Preclinical test results, the testosterone mice given 50 mg purwoceng highest increase: 125%. Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group.Testosterone-producing organs are the testes in males and ovaries in females. The testes produce testosterone throughout life. The adult male produces 20 times more testosterone than an adult female.Hormone production is regulated by the pituitary gland.
Because of the influence of male hormone that is low-voiced, muscular stocky, and grow a mustache.Testosterone is important for good health for both male and female. Functions such as increased libido, energy, immune function, and protection. In addition to increase testosterone up to 125%, 50 mg luteinizing hormone purwoceng also boosted up to 29.2%.
Luteinizing hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary in the brain. His role is to stimulate the cells in the testes to produce testosterone. "That means purwoceng provide direct and indirect effects as an aphrodisiac," said Taufiq. Indirectly means that member of the family Apiaceae plants that keep young men at once high vitality. That's the dream of men.
Groups of rats fed a mixture of 25 mg purwoceng-pasakbumi also increases testosterone levels up to 196.3%. However, luteinizing hormone levels up to only 2.5%. According to dr. Paul Wahyudi Halim, herbalist in Tangerang, Banten Province, physical fitness affect sexual activity. "Herbs can help sexual activity during the disturbances in the body is temporary, not permanent," said the doctor graduated from Universita Degli Study of Padova, Italy,
Why relatives of Centella asiatica was effective in increasing testosterone? Pimpinella alpina contain sterols, furanokumarin bergapten, isobergapten, and sphondin. Active compounds were numerous in the stems and roots. The compound is called first, the body will be converted into testosterone. Meanwhile, other active compounds stimulate the central nervous system to produce luteinizing hormone.
Taufik also conduct toxicity tests purwoceng. Plants that grow in the highlands it is relatively safe to eat.The use of maximum dose reached 600 mg per day in mice for 14 days, no side effects. After preclinical testing in animal studies, Taufik also conduct clinical trials in humans. He gave purwoceng solution to the 40 respondents aged at least 40 years of age.
Taufiq research along with colleagues Prof. Dr. Dr. Susilo Wibowo Sp And, professor of Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, was divided 40 men aged over 40 years into 2 groups. The first group that consume a placebo capsule was empty. Of course they do not know its contents. While the second group were given doses purwoceng extract capsules of 50 mg / day for 15 days.
The results showed men who consumed the extract group purwoceng increased luteinizing hormone levels and free androgen index, and improve androgen deficiency. Healthy adult men have the free androgen index 30-150. Below that figure, there is a deficiency of testosterone.
The findings were encouraging, particularly for men aged 40-50 years. They are vulnerable amiltauson or decreased testosterone levels, among others due to environmental pollution that are estrogenic.Survey famous drug company says more than 20% of Asian men experience erectile dysfunction. The causes of the rapid rhythm of work, consumption of fast food, and pollution.
Lina Mardiana, herbalist in Yogyakarta, prescribe purwoceng for a variety of patients such as erectile dysfunction and varicocele. To the patient varicocele veins of the scrotum--Lina prescribe purwoceng, red ginger, black pepper, and cinnamon. According to Lina when routine capsules made from a mixture of the patient is cured varicocele. Purwoceng grown in the highlands of Dieng, Wonosobo, Central Java, and Pangrango Mountains, West Java
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